Low resistance, lightweight ADDvox Skin Tone Humidi-Foam Stoma Filters offer excellent protection against dust, dirt and pollen, while helping warm and moisten the air you breathe. Runners, cyclists and skiers rely on ADDvox filters because they adhere in both moist and dry conditions. Designed for single use, with a hypoallergenic, non-irritating, microporous adhesive strip that's comfortable and easy to apply.
Skin tone (also available in White, see Stock Number TR1115 WH below). 2-1/4" wide x 2-1/2" high x 1/8" thick. Day or night, you'll breathe easier! Package of 60 filters, plus a FREE dust proof and waterproof Filter Storage Pouch for your pocket or purse!
60 Humidi-Foam Skin Tone Stoma Filters/pkg. $49.95, only 83¢ per filter.
Buy 4 Packages Or More And Save! $48.00 each, only 80¢ per filter.